• The Health Benefits of Ayurvedic Diabetes Control Syrup and Slim Ras

    In recent years, the prevalence of diabetes has been on the rise, becoming a significant health concern worldwide. As the global population grapples with this epidemic, traditional medicinal systems like Ayurveda have gained recognition for their potential in managing diabetes. Among the various Ayurvedic remedies available, one that stands out is the Ayurvedic diabetes control syrup known as “Sugar nashini syrup.” This article aims to explore the potential health benefits of Sugar nashini syrup and its role in aiding diabetes management.

    Ayurvedic Medicine and Diabetes Control

    Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system originating from India, has been in existence for thousands of years. It is founded on the principles of balancing the body’s energies, or doshas, to achieve optimal health. With its natural and comprehensive approach, Ayurveda offers various herbal formulations to address different health conditions, including diabetes.

    Understanding Slimer Ras

    Slimer Ras is a potent Ayurvedic syrup formulated specifically for diabetes control. It combines a selection of traditional herbs known for their anti-diabetic properties. The ingredients are carefully chosen to work synergistically, promoting better blood sugar regulation and overall well-being.

    Health Benefits of Ayurvedic Diabetes Control Syrup

    Blood Sugar Regulation: The primary benefit of Diabetes Control Syrup is its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. The herbal components in the syrup work together to enhance insulin sensitivity and stimulate pancreatic beta cells’ functioning. This results in better glucose utilization and reduces the risk of sudden blood sugar spikes or crashes.

    Antioxidant Support: Syrup contains herbs rich in antioxidants, which play a crucial role in combating oxidative stress caused by high blood sugar levels. By neutralizing free radicals, these antioxidants protect vital organs, such as the eyes, kidneys, and nerves, from diabetes-related complications.

    Lipid Profile Improvement: Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to an adverse lipid profile with elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Sugar nashini syrup can help improve lipid metabolism, leading to healthier cholesterol levels and reduced cardiovascular risks.

    Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Chronic inflammation is closely linked to diabetes and its complications. The anti-inflammatory herbs in Sugar nashini syrup can help alleviate inflammation, contributing to overall health and potentially reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.

    Weight Management: Obesity is a significant risk factor for diabetes. Some ingredients in Sugar nashini syrup have mild thermogenic properties, supporting weight management efforts when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    Enhanced Immunity: Diabetes can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections. Sugar nashini syrup includes herbs that can strengthen the immune system, promoting better defense against infections.

    Usage and Precautions

    While Slimer Ras holds promising potential as an Ayurvedic diabetes control syrup, it is essential to use it under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional. People already on prescribed diabetes medications should consult their doctors before incorporating this syrup into their routine, as it may require adjustments to avoid adverse interactions.


    The growing interest in alternative and complementary therapies has brought traditional medicinal systems like Ayurveda into the spotlight. Slimer Ras, an Ayurvedic diabetes control syrup, stands as a promising addition to the range of natural remedies available for diabetes management. However, it is essential to remember that Ayurvedic treatments are not a replacement for conventional medical care but can complement it effectively. By combining the wisdom of ancient healing systems with modern medical knowledge, we can strive for comprehensive and holistic diabetes management to improve the quality of life for those living with this condition.

  • Ayurvedic Syrups: Effective Solutions for Diabetes Control and PCOS Management

    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in natural and holistic approaches to healthcare. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, has gained significant recognition worldwide for its emphasis on balance and prevention. One area where Ayurveda has shown promising results is in the management of chronic conditions like diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this article, we will explore the benefits of Ayurvedic syrups for diabetes control and PCOS management.

    Ayurvedic Syrups for Diabetes Control:

    Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects millions of people globally. While conventional medicine offers various treatments, many individuals seek alternative options to complement their diabetes management plan. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach by addressing the root causes of the condition.

    Ayurvedic syrups formulated for diabetes control are typically crafted using a blend of potent herbs and natural ingredients. These syrups are designed to regulate blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and support pancreatic function. Key ingredients often found in Ayurvedic diabetes control syrups include bitter melon (Momordica charantia), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre), and neem (Azadirachta indica).

    Bitter melon, for example, has been extensively studied for its hypoglycemic properties, which help reduce blood sugar levels. Fenugreek, on the other hand, aids in glucose metabolism and may improve insulin resistance. Gudmar is known as the “sugar destroyer” in Ayurveda and has shown potential in reducing sugar cravings. Neem, a powerful herb, supports blood purification and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

    Ayurvedic Syrups for PCOS Management:

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It can lead to irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, and difficulty conceiving. While PCOS cannot be cured, its symptoms can be effectively managed through a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle changes, diet modifications, and natural remedies.

    Ayurvedic syrups formulated for PCOS management are often crafted using herbs and ingredients that help regulate hormonal imbalances and support reproductive health. Some common ingredients found in these syrups include Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Ashoka (Saraca indica), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), and Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris).

    Shatavari is renowned for its hormonal balancing properties and is often used to support reproductive health in women. Ashoka and Lodhra are known for their benefits in managing menstrual irregularities and supporting a healthy uterine environment. Gokshura, on the other hand, may aid in maintaining hormonal balance and promoting overall well-being.

    The Importance of Ayurvedic Approach:

    Ayurvedic syrups for diabetes control and syrup for pcos management offer a holistic approach that considers an individual’s unique constitution and imbalances. They aim to restore balance in the body, which is a key principle of Ayurveda. By addressing the underlying causes rather than merely treating symptoms, Ayurvedic syrups can provide long-lasting benefits.

    It is important to note that Ayurvedic syrups should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include dietary modifications, exercise, stress management techniques, and regular medical check-ups. It is always advisable to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before incorporating any new treatment or supplement.

    Ayurvedic syrups have shown promise in the management of chronic conditions like diabetes and PCOS. These syrups, formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, can support blood sugar control, enhance hormonal balance, and promote overall well-being. However, it is essential to adopt a comprehensive approach to healthcare and consult with experts to ensure personalized treatment plans. With the right guidance and commitment, Ayurvedic syrups can be valuable additions to a holistic wellness journey.

  • Exploring the Best PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment and Medicines

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age. Its symptoms range from irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, acne, to fertility issues. While conventional medicine offers various treatment options, an increasing number of individuals are turning to Ayurveda for its holistic approach to health and well-being. In this article, we will delve into the best PCOS Ayurvedic treatment and the top Ayurvedic medicines that can assist in managing this condition effectively.

    Understanding PCOS in Ayurveda:

    Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, views PCOS as an imbalance in the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. According to Ayurveda, the condition can be managed by balancing the doshas and eliminating ama through personalized treatments and lifestyle modifications.

    Best Ayurvedic Medicines for PCOS:

    A. Chandraprabha Vati: This Ayurvedic formulation contains potent herbs that help balance hormones, improve ovarian function, and regulate menstrual cycles. It also aids in reducing excessive hair growth and acne associated with PCOS.

    B. Arogyavardhini Vati: Known for its detoxifying properties, Arogyavardhini Vati helps eliminate toxins, supports liver function, and improves metabolism. It can assist in managing hormonal imbalances and reducing PCOS symptoms.

    C. Kanchanar Guggulu: This Ayurvedic medicine is widely used for its anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic properties. It helps reduce ovarian cysts, regulate menstrual cycles, and promote hormonal balance.

    D. Triphala Churna: Triphala, a combination of three fruits, is a natural antioxidant and detoxifier. It aids in improving digestion, reducing weight gain, and managing insulin resistance often associated with PCOS.

    Best PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches:

    A. Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma, a renowned Ayurvedic detoxification procedure, aims to eliminate toxins and restore balance in the body. Specific therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage), Swedana (herbal steam therapy), Virechana (therapeutic purgation), and Basti (herbal enema) can be beneficial in treating PCOS.

    B. Herbal Formulations: Ayurvedic herbs play a vital role in managing PCOS. Some commonly used herbs include Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Lodhra, Gokshura, and Yashtimadhu. These herbs possess hormone-balancing properties and aid in regulating menstrual cycles, reducing excessive hair growth, and promoting overall reproductive health.

    C. Dietary Recommendations: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet tailored to individual needs. A PCOS-friendly diet should include whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and caffeine can be beneficial in managing PCOS symptoms.

    D. Lifestyle Modifications: Incorporating regular exercise, such as yoga and pranayama, helps reduce stress and regulate hormone levels. Managing stress is crucial, as it can aggravate PCOS symptoms. Ayurvedic practices like meditation and daily self-care routines promote overall well-being.


    Ayurveda offers a comprehensive and individualized approach to managing PCOS by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body. The best PCOS Ayurvedic treatment involves a combination of therapies, dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments, and the use of specific herbal medicines. However, it is important to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider before starting any.

  • The Best Way of Treating PCOS with Ayurvedic

    According to Ayurveda, PCOS is considered to be caused by an imbalance in the doshas, particularly Kapha and Pitta doshas. The goal of Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS is to restore balance to the doshas and promote overall health and well-being. Here are some common Ayurvedic approaches for managing PCOS:

    1. Lifestyle changes: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to manage PCOS. This includes regular exercise, managing stress through techniques such as yoga and meditation, and following a balanced diet that is suitable for your body type (dosha). Avoiding processed and fried foods, sugary foods, and excessive caffeine is usually recommended.
    • Herbal remedies: Ayurvedic herbs are used to help regulate hormonal imbalances and improve reproductive health. Some common herbs used for PCOS in Ayurveda include Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Turmeric, and Triphala. These herbs are believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic, and hormonal balancing properties.
    • Detoxification: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of detoxifying the body to remove accumulated toxins that may contribute to hormonal imbalances. Panchakarma, a set of Ayurvedic therapies that involve purification and detoxification, may be recommended by an Ayurvedic practitioner to cleanse the body and restore balance.
    • Diet and nutrition: Ayurveda emphasizes the role of diet in managing PCOS. A balanced and wholesome diet that is tailored to an individual’s dosha may be recommended. Foods that are light, warm, and easy to digest, and that help balance Kapha and Pitta doshas, are generally recommended. Avoiding excessive consumption of dairy, refined carbohydrates, and sugar may also be advised.
    • Yoga and meditation: Regular practice of yoga and meditation can help reduce stress, improve hormonal balance, and promote overall well-being. Yoga poses such as the Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana), Camel pose (Ustrasana), and Reclining Bound Angle pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) are believed to be beneficial for PCOS.

    Other Common symptoms of PCOS/PCOD can include

    Irregular periods: Women can experience irregular periods

    Skipped Periods: There may be missed periods of longer duration. This can happen for months at a stretch.

    Severe bleeding: This is because the endometrium is thicker than normal. . Females can experience, heavy bleeding may last for a long time.

    Acne: More likely to occur on areas such as the face, chest and back..

    It’s important to remember that best ayurvedic treatment for pcos in ayurveda should be tailored to an individual’s unique constitution and symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can assess your condition and provide personalized recommendations. Also, always consult with your primary healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

  • Losing Weight With PCOS

    Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is a physical condition that can cause hair growth problems, acne, infertility, and weight gain. Cysts form on the ovaries in women with PCOS. As many as one in ten women suffer from PCOS, according to data from WomensHealth.gov. Although medical professionals are unsure of the exact cause of PCOS, many researchers believe it may be linked to insulin. A hormone imbalance and the fact that many women with PCOS also have mothers, aunts, or sisters with the same condition appear to be additional contributors. Even though PCOS makes it hard to lose weight, taking the right steps can help you get started.

    The weight gain that has come to be associated with PCOS is one of the main challenges that women with the condition face. Around 50 to 60% of all ladies with PCOS are named obese. The body’s inability to process insulin is one of the main causes of PCOS-related obesity. The hormone insulin controls whether sugar, starches, and other food are turned into energy that the body uses or into fat that the body stores. Insulin production is too high in PCOS women; Therefore, in order to avoid gaining weight, a special diet must be followed.

    In healthy women, studies have shown that losing only 5% of your body weight can prompt an improvement in skin lucidity, work on the consistency of periods and diminish insulin levels. Therefore, even a modest weight loss who tries ayurvedic weight loss syrup can have significant positive effects on women who suffer from PCOS.

    For many people with PCOS, the sensible diet that most healthy people follow to lose weight might not be effective. Sugar, white bread, and white rice—also known as refined carbs—are all examples of added carbohydrates that quickly convert to sugar in the body and raise insulin levels. PCOS sufferers have been linked to numerous health issues by elevated insulin levels. A low glycemic index (Low G.I.) diet is a better approach to dieting for PCOS women. This basically refers to any diet that restricts foods that the body quickly converts into sugar.

    After you have reduced the number of refined carbs in your diet, finding the right balance for your body may require some work. There are a number of diets you can follow, including the food pyramid, which recommends getting approximately 55% of your calories from carbohydrates, the “The Zone” diet, which recommends getting 40% of your calories from carbohydrates, and even Atkins, which recommends getting no more than 20% of your calories from carbohydrates. There is no way to tell which diet plan will be best for you. Every woman is unique, and PCOS makes that difference even more pronounced.

    A diet with approximately 50% carbs is recommended for PCOS-stricken women, according to recent research, but only if you are not obese and exercise regularly. You should start taking Ayurvedic Diabetes control syrup and limit your intake of carbohydrates to no more than 40% of your daily calories, or even less depending on your level of carbohydrate resistance if you are obese and insulin resistance has been demonstrated. However, these are merely guidelines. Consult a doctor who is knowledgeable about PCOS before beginning a diet is the most important thing you can do.

    If you experience regular menstruation, fewer cravings, and a higher level of energy and lower insulin levels in the body, the diet is “working.”

    Please be aware that a number of well-liked diets advise substituting fat for carbohydrates. Since PCOS increases a woman’s risk of heart disease and a high-fat diet significantly increases the risk, this is not a wise choice for women with PCOS. You’ll be able to stick to your diet more easily and get better results if you make it as healthy as possible!

    Original SourceAyurvedic Treatment for PCOS

  • Kinds Of PCOS Found In A Woman

    It has been said that the causes of PCOS are unknown. However, doctors believe that this condition is caused by a number of factors. Heredity is one of the initial factors. Some researchers have suggested that the condition polycystic ovary syndrome may be inherited and that a number of genes may bind to it. The body’s overproduction of insulin is another cause. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that serves as our body’s primary source of energy. When a person’s body becomes resistant to insulin’s actions, their blood sugar levels rise quickly, allowing the body to produce more insulin. When there is an excess of insulin, it can increase androgen production, which can cause problems with ovulation.

    The low-grade inflammation that is linked to blood cells is another factor that contributes to PCOS. Research has shown that women with PCOS produce a low-grade inflammation that triggers the production of androgens. Another important thing to know about PCOS is that if a person’s mother or sister has the condition, they may be more likely to develop it in their bodies than people who don’t. Infertility, endometrial cancer, premature birth, miscarriage, depression, eating disorders, high blood pressure, abnormal uterine bleeding, anxiety, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol levels, and heart attacks, abnormal weight gain are among the complications and health risks associated with polycystic ovary syndrome so to manage your weight try best ayurvedic syrup for PCOS

    Kinds of PCOS

    Women can experience a variety of PCOS types. Inflammatory PCOS, insulin-resistant PCOS, hidden-cause PCOS, and pill-induced PCOS are all mentioned. We will try to provide some of the information below about all PCOS types. If you are looking to cure

    1. Insulin-Resistant Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

    It is the most prevalent type. It can happen as a result of things like smoking, trans fat, and pollution. High levels of insulin delay ovulation and stimulate the ovaries to produce testosterone when insulin-resistant PCOS is present. Sugar restriction is one of the recommendations made to those who have this type of PCOS. You won’t suffer any adverse effects if you are able to consume a small amount of sugar. However, keep in mind that taking it in large quantities may increase insulin resistance.

    2. Pill-Induced PCOS:

    This type of PCOS is the second most prevalent and is caused by taking birth control pills that prevent ovulation. However, the majority of women do not experience such effects for an extended period of time because they continue to ovulate after taking these pills. However, after taking the pills, some women may experience a condition in which they do not conceive for months or even years. When this happens, it’s critical to talk to a doctor for better advice. When the levels of LH in the blood are increased, it may indicate pill-induced PCOS.

    3. Hidden PCOS

    Deficit of iodine, as the ovaries require iodine, thyroid disease, artificial sweeteners, and a vegetarian diet—a vegetarian diet makes the woman zinc resistant and the ovaries require zinc—are some of the causes of Hidden PCOS.

    4. Inflammatory polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS

    In inflammatory PCOS, inflammation prevents ovulation, causes hormone imbalance, and gives androgen hormones a chance to grow. Various factors, including environmental toxins, stress, and inflammatory diets like gluten, can cause inflammation. It is possible that an individual has inflammatory PCOS if they experience symptoms such as infection or skin allergies, headaches, and blood test results showing a vitamin D deficiency, abnormal blood count, and elevated thyroid levels. In such circumstances, one of our recommendations will be to reduce stress levels and choose PCOS best medicine in ayurveda, and supplements that contain magnesium and anti-inflammatory effects. You will need to be patient because the improvement process is slow and will take about nine months.

    Research has revealed that women with PCOS produce a low-grade inflammation that triggers the production of androgens.

    Original Source: Best PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment

  • How to Cure Your PCOS

    Although the medical disorder known as polycystic ovaries (PCOS) is not fully understood, it is treatable if caught early enough. Women who have PCOS suffer from a crippling ailment brought on by high quantities of male hormones (known as androgens). A buildup of cysts (fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries is the primary sign of PCOS. PCOS is risky because it increases the chance of infertility, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, in addition to the painful cysts it creates.

    PCOS and Weight Loss

    When trying to determine how to treat PCOS in a patient, doctors frequently start with weight loss. Losing weight can assist PCOS patients in lowering their androgen levels since they are frequently overweight. Hormone levels in the body are strongly influenced by a person’s body fat percentage. PCOS can frequently be treated through weight loss alone. The good news is that if a woman with PCOS cannot lose weight effectively, there are other treatment options. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, losing weight is not everyone’s cup of tea so to help with that there are some different ayurvedic weight loss syrup available in the market.

    Birth Control Pills

    Women with PCOS frequently receive birth control pills. Progesterone, a chemical found in birth control pills, has the ability to lower androgen levels in the body. Because progesterone and androgen levels are inversely related, progesterone, a female sex hormone, can lower androgen levels: The quantity of one is proportional to the quantity of the other.


    When birth control pills fail to control PCOS, many doctors will prescribe “antiandrogens” to patients. Even more effectively than progesterone-containing birth control pills, these medications lower androgen levels. Antiandrogens not only help women with PCOS reduce some of the severe acne that frequently (but not always) comes with PCOS but they also lower androgen levels.

    The fact that antiandrogens are harsher on the body than birth control pills is one drawback. When people who have been taking antiandrogens for a long time stop taking them, they can experience mildly uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. As a result, rather than abruptly stopping a PCOS patient from taking their antiandrogen medication, doctors typically recommend gradually reducing the dose.


    Metformin is a diabetes medication that can help control PCOS symptoms. After attempting weight loss, birth control pills, and antiandrogens, the majority of doctors try Metformin to treat PCOS. Metformin should only be used after the majority of other treatment options have been tried unsuccessfully because it has a number of potentially serious side effects.

    Metformin does not, of course, cause the same side effects in PCOS patients who already have diabetes as it does in the general population. Metformin’s ability to lower insulin levels is beneficial for PCOS patients who already suffer from diabetes. Although this does not guarantee that Metformin’s use is risk-free for these patients, it does suggest that Metformin may be an effective treatment option.

    There are many different ways to treat PCOS like some best ayurvedic medicine for PCOS available in the market. Weight loss and birth control pills, for instance, are sometimes used in conjunction with other interventions. You should see a doctor as soon as possible if you think you have PCOS or want to know how to get rid of it. The more untreated PCOS you have, the worse it will get.

    Original Source: Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS

  • Some Realistic PCOS Natural Treatment Remedies

    There is a lot of confusing information out there on the symptoms involved with PCOS. Let’s simplify it a bit so it’s easier for you to understand and get the proper treatment.

    PCOS( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) affects as many as 5% to 10% of women during reproductive age. For any menstruating woman, it’s important to understand PCOS symptoms in order to get a timely opinion and treatment if she has the complaint. Still, it should be noted that there’s a range of symptoms that can manifest this syndrome and not all affected women witness all the symptoms.

    Women suffering from PCOS symptoms similar to acne, excess hair growth, infertility, irregular cycle, and weight gain can attain profound changes through the best PCOS ayurvedic treatment remedies.

    PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal complaint in which fluid-filled cysts develop on the ovaries. However, many immature ova can be spotted, which are by mistake assumed as cysts, If an ultrasound is taken.

    The way of treating PCOS has changed as our understanding of how this hormone complaint has improved over a couple of years. The root causes of PCOS are addressed by natural treatment remedies for this delicate condition. The use of diet plans, supplements, and herbal and life changes have helped numerous women see positive results.

    Following are some realistic PCOS natural treatment remedies that can help in reducing the symptoms.

    PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 1: The Best Diet for PCOS

    Stabilizing blood sugar situations through a balanced diet, including whole foods, is the key to treating PCOS naturally. Sugary foods should be banished. Insulin Resistance Syndrome can develop over time as a result of too numerous rapid-hike-in blood sugar levels.

    In order to follow the PCOS diet, the following introductory tips should be considered.

    -Low GI carbohydrates should be balanced with sufficient protein.

    – Phytoestrogens should be included in the diet.

    – Input of saturated fats should be reduced.

    – Dairy products should be avoided or limited.

    – Food chemicals and preservatives should be avoided.

    – Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided.

    – Sugar should be avoided.

    – 2 liters of filtered water should be consumed daily.

    -Essential fatty acids should be included in the diet.

    PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 2: Supplements and PCOS

    Numerous women lack important minerals and vitamins for hormone health. A great imbalance between those minerals and vitamins is created when oral contraceptive capsules are taken for the regulation of mensuration. The root cause of PCOS can be treated by correcting this imbalance.

    For PCOS, supplements with the following constituents should be considered

    – Amino acids N- acetylcysteine( NAC) and L- arginine

    – B Vitamins

    – Chromium

    -Co-enzyme Q10

    – Diindolylmethane( DIM)

    -Essential minerals

    -Essential vitamins

    – Magnesium

    – Zinc

    PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 3: Exercise and PCOS

    For women suffering from PCOS, fitness and insulin resistance can be bettered by introducing a regular exercise program, and a healthy weight can also be maintained this way. Some of the best exercises that can help treat PCOS and its symptoms include ayurvedic weight loss syrup aerobics, cycling, Pilates, power-walking, and swimming.

    Still, now is the time you empower yourself and try out these mentioned realistic PCOS natural treatment remedies If you’re suffering from PCOS.

    Original Source: Best treatment for PCOS in ayurveda

  • PCOS – A New Epidemic Causing Infertility and More

    What Is PCOS?

    PCOS refers to multiple cysts on the ovaries and a host of other problems that go on with them, including lack of ovulation and menstrual abnormalities, facial hair, manly pattern baldness, acne, and weight gain. Women suffering from this condition may also have varying degrees of insulin resistance and an increased prevalence of Type II diabetes, high cholesterol & elevated androgen situations.

    What are the symptoms of PCOS?

    • You may stop ovulating, or it becomes infrequent
    • have trouble falling pregnant
    • experience hard hair on the face and body
    • suffer from acne
    • experience high blood pressure
    • suffer from high cholesterol
    • develop elevated insulin situations or insulin resistance
    • gain weight steadily for no real reason
    • suffer mood changes & last but not least your periods stop, come irregular or painful & your hair thins

    What are its causes?

    PCOS occurs when a woman does not ovulate, which causes a disruption in the normal, cyclical interaction among her hormones, brain, and ovaries. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. In history, it was assumed that PCOS was caused entirely by the excess of androgen in the body. More recent exploration has shown that Metabolic patterns associated with insulin resistance and high situations of insulin play key places in PCOS.

    The problem is, most of the time women with PCOS try hard to lose the weight only to find that they either can not lose it- or it rebounds once they complete their diet.

    Some possible causes of PCOS are high consumption of junk foods, High saturated fat intake, Genetics, Environmental factors, life Factors including stress, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition, Birth control capsules & contraceptive pills

    The Diet Connection to PCOS

    By far the biggest life contributor to PCOS is poor diet. Research supports that high consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates be getting an unhealthy rise in insulin situations. Insulin stimulates androgen receptors on the outside of the ovary, causing the typical PCOS symptoms of dark hair( on the face, arms, and legs), thin hair( on the head), and acne. In the end, this type of diet will cause weight gain, which will result in insulin resistance( the incapability of the cells to take in insulin) which will aggravate PCOS indeed more.

    So how does Insulin affect PCOS?

    Insulin resistance and excess insulin production appear to be the reason of the overproduction of androgens associated with PCOS. Insulin transports sugar( in the form of glucose) out of the blood and into muscle, fat, and liver cells, where it’s converted into energy or stored as fat. Women with PCOS produce excessive insulin because their cells are “resistant” to insulin.

    The body compensates by producing extra insulin. Resistance means that the process of removing sugar from the blood and into the cells is imperfect and the cells don’t respond to insulin. The pancreas senses high situations of glucose and continues secreting insulin to remove sugar from the blood and into the cells.

    When you look at the whole picture of PCOS, you can understand why hormone-blocking medicines similar to birth control pills & insulin- lowering medicines, do not work for a long time. These approaches do not address the main cause of the problem, they only suppress symptoms.

    What’s the best treatment for PCOS?

    Doctors tend to offer two treatments, both of which affect symptoms only, and neither of which is particularly successful. One treatment is a direct manipulation of reproductive hormones using birth control capsules, androgens, androgen blockers & synthetic estrogens. The other is giving oral medicines for Type II diabetes, which reduces insulin resistance.

    Losing weight is one of the main treatments for PCOS, yet it’s one of the hardest treatments to achieve and slim ras syrup is an ayurvedic syrup that helps in losing weight. Whether weight gain is a cause of PCOS or it is a result of PCOS is unclear. PCOS isn’t” cured” by weight loss, but the symptoms of PCOS may be lessened by it, or increased by weight gain.

    One of the most important things to remember is that everyone is different – what foods to eat varies according to what your individual hormonal influences. The best approach is to borrow a life system that improves hormonal balance performing in metabolic health, allowing you to lose fat & keep it off. It’s important for you to

    – Identify hormonal imbalances

    – apply a diet that reflects your hormonal requirements

    – Exercise regularly

    – Implement nutritional & ayurvedic treatment for PCOS

    If you have PCOS you can enhance your fertility and your chances of having a healthy baby by losing weight. This is why weight reduction should be the first line of treatment for PCOS people who suffers from trying to conceive. This needs a multidisciplinary approach to weight operation that fosters lifestyle change through proper diet, exercise, and stress reduction.

    The tragedy, of course, is that this is easy to advise, but quite hard to do. No one wants to be fat and losing weight can be really hard to negotiate if you have PCOS. But with the right help, in most cases, it can be achieved.

    Original SourceBest Treatment for PCOS in Ayurveda

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